My Film

• Where do you watch films?
Typically I watch films at home on my phone or laptop and occasionally on the TV during a meal. I very rarely go to the cinema and the only time I really watch films outside of my house is if I'm at a friends house or have downloaded the film to watch on the move.
• What devices do you use to watch films? How does this change the viewing experience?
Usually use either my phone or laptop and this enhances the viewing experience as it peans I can watch the films anywhere in the house, can move from room to room, can watch from bed etc. Watching on my phone, although it has a smaller screen than my TV or laptop, it means I can watch films on the bus, tube or train. 
• Are there certain films you prefer to see at the cinema? If so which?
Typically the big releases e.g. Star wars or James Bond
• With whom do you watch films?
With friends and/or family
• What attracted you to the film? Why did they choose to see it? (The social aspect of watching a film is important as it can affect your attitude towards it. Have you been ‘pressured’ into seeing a film you weren’t interested in by a friend etc?). Is it a hotly anticipated film (i.e. Star Wars Episode VIII) or one that only serves a niche audience?
Sometimes I go to see a film at the cinema as a social event out. The trailer plays a big role in my decision to see a film. Recently went to see Star wars with my family
• How did you respond to the film? Was it a spectacle, moving, frightening etc.?
Enjoyed it very much and found it exciting and the visual effects very impressive


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